IGV.py - Simple wrapper to the IGV socket interface



This code was written by Brent Pedersen.

Downloaded from https://github.com/brentp/bio-playground/blob/master/igv/igv.py on Nov.30 2011.

IGV.startIGV(command='igv.sh', port=None)

start IGV on a specific port.

class IGV.IGV(host='', port=60151, snapshot_dir='/tmp/igv')

Bases: object

Simple wrapper to the IGV (http://www.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/home) socket interface (http://www.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/PortCommands)


  1. you have IGV running on your machine (launch with webstart here:


  2. you have enabled port communication in

    View -> Preferences… -> Advanced

Successful commands return ‘OK’

example usage:

>>> igv = IGV()
>>> igv.genome('hg19')
>>> igv.load('http://www.broadinstitute.org/igvdata/1KG/pilot2Bams/NA12878.SLX.bam')
>>> igv.go('chr1:45,600-45,800')
#save as svg, png, or jpg
>>> igv.save('/tmp/r/region.svg')
>>> igv.save('/tmp/r/region.png')
# go to a gene name.
>>> igv.go('muc5b')
>>> igv.sort()
>>> igv.save('muc5b.png')
# get a list of commands that will work as an IGV batch script.
>>> print "\n".join(igv.commands)
snapshotDirectory /tmp/igv
genome hg19
goto chr1:45,600-45,800
snapshotDirectory /tmp/r
snapshot region.svg
snapshot region.png
goto muc5b
sort base
snapshot muc5b.png

Note, there will be some delay as the browser has to load the annotations at each step.


options is one of: base, position, strand, quality, sample, and readGroup.