- convert a transcript set to genomic features


Genomics Genesets Intervals Transformation GTF GFF


This scripts converts a transcript set in a gtf formatted file into a set of features in a gff formatted file.

In other words, a gene set (gtf), which constitutes a hierarchical set of annotations, will be converted into a non-hierarchical list of genomic segments.

Various methods can be used to do the conversion (see command line argument --method):


annotate exons. Exonic segments are classified according to the transcript structure.


annotate genome with gene set. Genomic segments are labeled intronic, intergenic, etc. This annotation aggregates the information of multiple genes such that each annotation is either valid or ambiguous.


annotate genome using the information on a gene-by-gene basis. Multiple overlapping annotations will be created for each transcript. Redundant annotations will be merged.


regulatory domains using the basal+extended model according to GREAT.


declare promoter regions. These segments might be overlapping. A promotor is the region x kb upstream of a transcription start site. The option --promotor-size sets the region width.


declare regulatory regions. Regulatory regions contain the region x kb of upstream and downstream of a transciption start site. The options --upstream-extension and -downstream set the region width.


declare tts regulatory regions. tts-regulatory regions contain the region x kb of upstream and downstream of a transciption termination site. The options --upstream-extension and -downstream set the region width.


build gene territories around full length genes.


build gene territories around transcription start sites.

In a simple setting, assume we have the two genes below, the first with a single transcript on the positive strand, the second on the negative strand:

       Gene A                    Gene B
        |---|                 |---|  |---|
     >>>>   >>>>           <<<<   <<<<   <<<<

Genome (simplified result without UTRs and flanks)

       exon   exon         exon   exon   exon
intergenic intron  intergenic  intron intron intergenic


     Gene A                    Gene B


     Gene A                    Gene B
<-------->            <----------->


<---->              <---->


If --method=genome, the gene set is used to annotate the complete genome.


The gtf file has to be sorted first by contig and then by position.

A segment in the genome will either be covered by:


a coding exon (also: CDS, start_codon).


a UTR (also: stop_codon)

5flank, 3flank, flank

an upstream/downstream segment of defined size. If the intergenic region is too small to accomodate a flank, the regions is just ‘flank’.


intergenic region.

5telomeric, 3telomeric

telomeric region (before/after first/last gene).


intronic region. An intron has a minimum size of 30 bases.


frameshift. Introns of less than 4 residues length


in case of overlapping genes, regions are designated ambiguous


unknown are intronic regions that are less than the minimum size of an intron (default: 30) and larger than the size of frameshift (default:4). These could be either genuine small introns or they could be artefactual arising from collapsing the exons within a gene model.

All segments are annotated by their closest gene. Intergenic regions are annotated with their two neighbouring genes. The upstream gene is listed in the attribute gene_id, the downstream one is listed in the attribute downstream_gene_id.


If --method=genes, the gene set is used to annotate the complete genome.


The gtf file has to be sorted by gene.

A segment in the genome will be annotated as:


a coding exon

utr5, utr3

a 5’ or 3’ utr


an exon. Exons are further classified into first, middle and last exons.


an intronic region. Intronic regions are further divided into first, middle, last.

upstream, downstream

upstream/downstream regions in 5 intervals of a total of 1kb (see option –flank-size to increase the total size).


If --method=territories, the gene set is used to define gene territories. Territories are segments around genes and are non-overlapping. Exons in a gene are merged and the resulting the region is enlarged by –radius. Overlapping territories are divided at the midpoint between the two genes. The maximum extent of a territory is limited by the option --territory-extension


The gtf file has to be sorted first by contig and then by position.


Genes should already have been merged (gtf2gtf –merge-transcripts)


If --method=tss-territories, the gene set is used to define gene territories. Instead of the full gene length as in Territories, only the tss is used to define a territory. Territories are segments around genes and are non-overlapping. Overlapping territories are divided at the midpoint between the two genes. The maximum extent of a territory is limited by the option --territory-extension.


The gtf file has to be sorted first by contig and then by position.


Genes should already have been merged (gtf2gtf –merge-transcripts)

The domain definitions corresponds to the nearest gene rule in GREAT.


Define GREAT regulatory domains. Each TSS in a gene is associated with a basal region. The basal region is then extended upstream to the basal region of the closest gene, but at most to –radius. In the case of overlapping genes, the extension is towards the next non-overlapping gene.

This is the “basal plus extension” rule in GREAT. Commonly used are 5+1 with 1 Mb extension. To achieve this, use for example:

cgat gtf2gff    --genome-file=hg19    --method=great-domains    --upstream-extension=5000    --downstream-extension=1000    --territory-extension=1000000    < in.gtf > out.gff

If there are a multiple TSS in a transcript, the basal region extends from the first to the last TSS plus the upstream/downstream flank.


If --method=exons, exons are annotated by their dispensibility.


The gtf file should be sorted by genes

For each exon, the following additional fields are added to the gtf file:


number of transcripts


number of transcripts using this exon


positions of exon within transcripts. This is a , separated list of tuples pos:total. For example, 1:10,5:8 indicates an exon that appears in first position in a ten exon transcript and fifth position in an eight exon transcript. The position is according to the direction of transcription.


overlapping but non-identical exons, for example due to internal splice sites, are listed as separate exons. Thus the output is not fully flat as some segments could be overlapping (see output variable noverlapping in the log file).

The following example uses an ENSEMBL gene set:: (needs genome-file to run)

gunzip < Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.55.gtf.gz | awk ‘$3 == “CDS”’ | python –method=exons –restrict-source=protein_coding


If --method=promotors, putative promotor regions are output. A promoter is a pre-defined segment upstream of the transcription start site. As the actual start site is usually not known, the start of the first exon within a transcript is used as a proxy. A gene can have several promotors associated with it, but overlapping promotor regions of the same gene will be merged. A promoter can extend into an adjacent upstream gene.

The --restrict-source option determines which GTF entries are output. The default is to output all entries but the user can choose from protein_coding, pseudogene or lncRNA.

The size of the promotor region can be specified by the command line argument --promotor-size.


If --method=regulons, putative regulon regions are output. This is similar to a promotor, but the region extends both upstream and downstream from the transcription start site.

The --restrict-source option determines which GTF entries are output. The default is to output all entries but the user can choose from protein_coding, pseudogene or lncRNA.

The size of the promotor region can be specified by the command line argument --upstream-extension and --downstream-extension

If --method=tts-regulons, regulons will be defined around the transcription termination site.



cgat gtf2gff --method=genome --genome-file=hg19 < geneset.gtf > annotations.gff

For command line help:

cgat gtf2gff --help

Command line options

usage: gtf2gff [-h] [--version] [-g GENOME_FILE] [-i]
               [-s {protein_coding,pseudogene,lncRNA}]
               [-m {full,genome,exons,promotors,tts,regulons,tts-regulons,genes,territories,tss-territories,great-domains}]
               [-r RADIUS] [-f FLANK] [--flank-increment-size INCREMENT]
               [-p PROMOTOR] [-u UPSTREAM] [-d DOWNSTREAM]
               [--gene-detail {introns+exons,exons,introns}]
               [--min-intron-length MIN_INTRON_LENGTH] [--is-unsorted]
               [--timeit TIMEIT_FILE] [--timeit-name TIMEIT_NAME]
               [--timeit-header] [--random-seed RANDOM_SEED] [-v LOGLEVEL]
               [--log-config-filename LOG_CONFIG_FILENAME]
               [--tracing {function}] [-? ?] [-I STDIN] [-L STDLOG]
               [-E STDERR] [-S STDOUT]
gtf2gff: error: argument -?: expected one argument